Scholastic Art Awards

Scholastic Art Awards
Posted on 04/08/2022
Ava Buccino with her award winning digital Illustration "Lantern Hat Girl"
Seniors Ava Buccino and Lilli O'Boyle received 2022 Scholastic Art Awards. Their work was recognized by a panel of creative professionals as the most outstanding work submitted in the Northern New Jersey region!
Ava's digital illustration "Lantern Hat Girl" received Gold Key, the highest honor. She will be considered for a chance to be a National Medalist.
Lilli had two pieces receive honorable mentions; her oil painting, "Paper Valentines" and a digital piece, "The Beast."
"Lantern Hat Girl" will also be on display at Gallery Aferro in Newark for the regional awards ceremony on Saturday, May 14th. Both students will be honored during the exhibition for their exceptional creations.

Lili OBoyle Honorable Mention
Lillian O'Boyle - Her digital piece "The Beast" 

Ava Buccino Gold Key
     Ava Buccino - Her Digital Illustration "Lantern Hat Girl"

                 Lilli OBoyle Hon Mention
Lilli O'Boyle - Her Oil Painting, "Paper Valentines".